Remembrance Sunday Paddle
On Remembrance Sunday, our Dragon Boat paddled to Christchurch for a salute, 2mins silence and spoken word.

Bourne Water Dragons Pays Its Respects
The Dragon Boat paddled to Christchurch during Remembrance Sunday and conducted a salute and 2 minutes silence. We also laid our symbolic poppies on the water and two members each composed a poem in their honour to the group.
We want to share their inspirational words with you. Enjoy.
Most people stand head bowed in thought
And think of those who died and fought
Of lives and loves just torn apart
And a memory that breaks a heart.
As we sit here with paddles silent
We think of war and death so violent
And as our poppies lay on the water
Our hope is never to see such slaughter
For life is a gift of loving and giving
Remembrance must pass this on to the living.
- Ian
Our poppies were laid with tears and pride
Remembering all the brave souls who fought and died
Our heartfelt thanks to each and every one
Who suffered or died, the number unknown.
We will remember them
- Hilary
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